SGI Hot Mix 17
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332 lines
; $Id: mk_library_help.pro,v 1.7 1997/01/15 03:11:50 ali Exp $
; Copyright (c) 1991-1997, Research Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
; Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.
; Given a directory or a VMS text library containing IDL user library
; procedures, this procedure generates a file in the IDL help format
; that contains the documentation for those routines that contain
; a DOC_LIBRARY style documentation template. The output file is
; compatible with the IDL "?" command.
; A common problem encountered with the DOC_LIBRARY user library
; procedure is that the user needs to know what topic to ask for
; help on before anything is possible. The XDL widget library
; procedure is one solution to this "chicken and egg" problem.
; The MK_LIBRARY_HELP procedure offers another solution.
; Help, documentation.
; MK_LIBRARY_HELP, Source, Outfile
; SOURCE: The directory or VMS text library containing the
; .pro files for which help is desired. If SOURCE is
; a VMS text library, it must include the ".TLB" file
; extension, as this is what MK_LIBRARY_HELP uses to
; tell the difference.
; OUTFILE: The name of the output file which will be generated.
; If you place this file in the help subdirectory of the
; IDL distribution, and if it has a ".help" extension, then
; the IDL ? command will find the file and offer it as one
; of the availible help categories. Note that it uses the
; name of the file as the name of the topic.
; TITLE: If present, a string which supplies the name that
; should appear on the topic button for this file
; in the online help. This title is only used on
; systems that allow very short file names (i.e. MS DOS),
; so it won't always have a visible effect. However,
; it should be used for the broadest compatibility. If
; a title is not specified, IDL on short name systems
; will use a trucated copy of the file name.
; VERBOSE: Normally, MK_LIBRARY_HELP does its work silently.
; Setting this keyword to a non-zero value causes the procedure
; to issue informational messages that indicate what it
; is currently doing.
; None.
; None.
; A help file with the name given by the OUTFILE argument is
; created.
; If you put the resulting file into the "help" subdirectory of
; the IDL distribution, it will be overwritten when you install a
; new release of IDL. To avoid this problem, keep a backup copy of
; your created help files in another directory and move them into
; the new distribution.
; Since this routine copies the documentation block from the
; functions and procedures, subsequent changes will not be
; reflected in the help file unless you run MK_LIBRARY_HELP
; again.
; The following rules must be followed in formating the .pro
; files which are searched.
; (a) The first line of the documentation block contains
; only the characters ";+", starting in column 1.
; (b) The last line of the documentation block contains
; only the characters ";-", starting in column 1.
; (c) Every other line in the documentation block contains
; a ";" in column 1.
; No reformatting of the documentation is done.
; 17 April, 1991, Written by AB, RSI.
; 1 December 1992, Reorganized internally. No functionality change.
; 31 December 1992, Added the TITLE keyword as part of the effort
; towards releasing the Microsoft Windows version of IDL.
; 20 January 1993, Corrected for VMS, W. Landsman HSTX
; 17 March 1993, Corrected for MSDOS and VMS, AB.
; 13 January 1994, Added the VERSION attribute and modified format to
; accomodate extended identifier names (the old format was
; limited to 15 characters.
; 7 July 1995, Added support for MacOS, DD, RSI.
pro mlh_grab_header, in_file, num, id_chars, subject, idx_file, $
txt_file, verbose
; Searches in_file for all text between the ;+ and ;- comments, and
; updates the index and text files appropriately.
; entry:
; in_file - LUN for .PRO file containing documentation header.
; num - Named variable containing # of entries added to idx_file.
; id_chars - Named variable containing number of characters used
; by all identifier names in the table of contents.
; subject - Name of subject represented by in_file
; idx_file - Scratch file to which table of contents entries will
; be written.
; txt_file - Scratch file to which the documentation header will
; be written.
; verbose - TRUE if the routine should output a descriptive message
; when it finds the documentation header.
; exit:
; in_file - Closed via FREE_LUN
; num - Incremented if a documentation header was found.
; id_chars - Updated to reflect new entry added to table of contents.
; idx_file, txt_file - Updated as necessary. Both are positioned at EOF.
; Under DOS, formatted output ends up with a carriage return linefeed
; pair at the end of every record. The resulting file would not be
; compatible with Unix. Therefore, we use unformatted output, and
; explicity add the linefeed, which has ASCII value 10.
; Find the opening line
tmp = ''
found = 0
while (not eof(in_file)) and (not found) do begin
readf, in_file, tmp
if (strmid(tmp, 0, 2) eq ';+') then found = 1
if (found) then begin
if (verbose ne 0) then message, /INFO, subject
num = num + 1
id_chars = id_chars + strlen(subject)
point_lun, -txt_file, txt_pos
writeu, idx_file, string(txt_pos, subject, format='(I0, ":", A)'), LF
writeu, txt_file, ';+', LF
txt_pos = txt_pos + 3
found = 0
while (not found) do begin
readf, in_file, tmp
if (strmid(tmp, 0, 2) eq ';-') then begin
found = 1
endif else begin
len = strlen(tmp)
if (len eq 0) then len = 1
txt_pos = txt_pos + len
writeu, txt_file, strmid(tmp, 1, 1000), LF
writeu, txt_file, ';-', LF
txt_pos = txt_pos + 3
FREE_LUN, in_file
pro MLH_GEN_FILE, num, id_chars, idx_file, txt_file, outfile, verbose, title
; Build a .HELP file from the consituent parts.
; entry:
; num - # of subjects
; id_chars - # of characters used by identifiers in table of contents
; not counting any possible NULL termination.
; idx_file - Scratch file containing the table of contents.
; txt_file - Scratch file containing the documentation text.
; outfile - NAME of final HELP file to be generated.
; verbose - TRUE if the routine should output a descriptive message
; when it finds the documentation header.
; title - Scalar string. If non-null, contains the optional %TITLE
; name to go at the top of the file.
; exit:
; outfile has been created.
; idx_file and txt_file have been closed via FREE_LUN
; Rewind the scratch files.
point_lun, idx_file, 0
point_lun, txt_file, 0
; Open the final file.
openw, final_file, outfile, /stream, /get_lun
if (verbose ne 0) then message, /INFO, 'building ' + outfile
; Under DOS, formatted output ends up with a carriage return linefeed
; pair at the end of every record. The resulting file would not be
; compatible with Unix. Therefore, we use unformatted output, and
; explicity add the linefeed, which has ASCII value 10.
writeu, final_file, '%VERSION:2', LF
if (title ne '') then writeu, final_file, '%TITLE:', STRUPCASE(title), LF
writeu, final_file, string(num, format='(I0)'), LF ; The subject count
writeu, final_file, string(id_chars, format='(I0)'), LF ; # of subject chars
tmp = ''
while 1 do begin ; Breaks out via IOERROR
readf, idx_file, tmp
writeu, final_file, tmp, LF
free_lun, idx_file ; This deletes the index file
tmp = ''
while 1 do begin ; Breaks out via IOERROR
readf, txt_file, tmp
writeu, final_file, tmp, LF
free_lun, txt_file, final_file ; Deletes the text file
pro MK_LIBRARY_HELP, source, outfile, verbose=verbose, title=title
if (not keyword_set(verbose)) then verbose = 0
if (not keyword_set(title)) then title=''
; Open two temporary files, one for the index and one for the text.
openw, idx_file, filepath('userlib.idx', /TMP), /stream, /get_lun, /delete
openw, txt_file, filepath('userlib.txt', /TMP), /stream, /get_lun, /delete
; This is the number of files that actually contain a documentation block
num = 0
; This is the number of characters used by all the identifiers in the
; table of contents, not counting any possible NULL termination.
id_chars = 0
if (verbose ne 0) then message, /INFO, 'searching ' + source
; Is it a VMS text library?
vms_tlb = 0 ; Assume not
if (!version.os eq 'vms') then begin
; If this is VMS, decide if SOURCE is a directory or a text library.
if ((strlen(SOURCE) gt 4) and $
(strupcase(strmid(SOURCE, strlen(SOURCE)-4,4)) eq '.TLB')) then $
vms_tlb = 1
; If it is a text library, get a list of routines by spawning
; a LIB/LIST command. Otherwise, just search for .pro files.
if (vms_tlb) then begin
count = n_elements(files)
i = 0
while ((i lt count) and (strlen(files[i]) ne 0)) do i = i + 1
count = count - i - 1
if (count gt 0) then files = files[i+1:*]
endif else begin ; Search for .pro files
case !version.os_family of
'unix': tmp = '/'
'vms': tmp = ''
'Windows': tmp = '\'
'MacOS': tmp = ':'
files = findfile(source + tmp + '*.pro', count=count)
if (!version.os eq 'vms') then begin
if (count ne 0) then prefix_length = STRPOS(files[0], ']')+1
endif else begin
prefix_length = strlen(source) + 1
for i = 0, count-1 do begin
if (vms_tlb) then begin
; We do a separate extract for each potential routine. This is
; pretty slow, but easy to implement. This routine is generally
; run once in a long while, so I think it's OK
subject = files[i]
name = filepath('mklibhelp.scr', /tmp)
spawn, 'LIBRARY/TEXT/EXTRACT='+subject+'/OUT='+name+' '+SOURCE
openr, in_file, name, /get_lun, /delete
endif else begin
name = files[i]
if (!version.os eq 'vms') then begin
subject = STRMID(name, prefix_length, 1000)
subject = STRMID(subject, 0, STRPOS(subject, '.'))
endif else begin
subject = strupcase(strmid(name, prefix_length, $
strlen(name) - prefix_length-4))
openr, in_file, name, /get_lun
; Grab the header
MLH_GRAB_HEADER, in_file, num, id_chars, subject, idx_file, $
txt_file, verbose
; Produce the final product
MLH_GEN_FILE, num, id_chars, idx_file, txt_file, outfile, verbose, title